Nick gears up for a prestigious national sailing championship in a boat he built himself

Nick Copsey, former Ely sports personality of the year, is studying ship science at the University of Southampton.

Two years ago he began building his own National 12 class dinghy, finishing the boat last summer.

Earlier this month, he displayed his two person, two sail racing dinghy. at a national boating show, the RYA, at Alexander Palace.

His dad Gerald said: “Many visitors were very impressed with the boat and amazed to discover that it was an amateur build.

“Around 8,000 visitors came to see the various designs of dinghy.

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Bill Vinten OBE: 1920 – 2015 – A life lived to the full…

Much has been written about Bill Vinten, who died on 8 November last year, mostly about his achievements within the lm and television industry – and quite rightly so. From a cameraman’s point of view, he was probably more in uential in the development of the television cameraman’s art and craft in its rst half-century, both in studios and OBs, than any other person. But this is far from the entire story of his life. Former GTC Secretary Dudley Darby met Bill on many occasions and writes here of the multiple sides to this extraordinarily energetic man, who retained an enviable zest for life right up until his passing at a very youthful 95.

Source: GTC’s Journal, Zerb.

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The bi annual Engineering Experience funded by the Vinten Trust

The bi annual Engineering Experience funded by the Vinten Trust, provided by the Smallpeice Trust and supported by Jaguar Landrover and Thales was held at Culford School in October.

This years’ experience followed a similar pattern to previous years with 50 students from years 9 and 10 of local schools attending the three day event.

On the first day an icebreaker activity was held whereby students, in groups, were tasked with designing and constructing a device which had the ability to carry an egg safely to the ground from a height of about 6 metres and then deliver the egg, undamaged, onto the ground, landing it within a clearly defined area.  The photographs show the winning design and the test launch and landing. Also on the first day students took advantage of a visit to Vitec Videocomm in Bury St Edmunds before spending the evening in sporting activities at the sports centre at the school.

The main purpose of the experience was for students to work together in groups on projects designing and constructing either a model vehicle or a speaker system. The photographs show various groups both during the design and construction phase and at the project presentation. The presentation is provided by each group to the other groups, staff attending the experience and parents of the students attending.

The evening of the second day was occupied by a formal dinner in Old Hall at Culford School where the students attend a reception and dinner with staff, trustees of the William & Ellen Vinten Trust and invited guests. The after dinner speaker for this event was Richard Clayton an engineer with Schlumberger. Other guests included Esther Bennett from the Institute of Physics and Kevin Stenson, Chief Executive of the Smallpeice Trust. A disco for the students followed the dinner and speeches.

Following the project presentation on the final day of the experience prizes were awarded to the team giving the best presentation and four students were selected to be awarded prizes, donated by the William & Ellen Vinten Trust and the Smallpeice Trust, for their attitude, enthusiasm and team working during the experience. The photographs show the best presentation prizewinners with Esther Bennett (IoP) and the Vinten/Smallpeice prizewinners with David Youngman (Vinten Trustee)

On the final day a careers and education buffet lunch was provided which was supported by local businesses and education providers. The photographs show some of the stands at the buffet lunch.

One hundred years of Vinten

As our history section shows, the Vinten company began operation in 1910 and this year sees a series of events to celebrate this remarkable centenary. Although there are, nowadays, no companies with the Vinten name, all those, who can trace their history to a Vinten company are proud of their heritage and are delighted to be participating in the 100 year birthday. In Bury St Edmunds this covers Thales Optronics and Camera Dynamics. For more information please click onto the respective company’s websites.